In cooperation with the German Photographic Society (DGPh), History & Archives Section, the University of Hildesheim and the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.
The Symposium will take place as a online event and will be streamed on our website and via Links will be following soon. Registration is not required, participation is free of charge.
Academic lectures and moderated discussions with invited speakers (German), live via
Alexa Färber and Işıl Karataş (University of Vienna, AT), Lena Holbein (Goethe-University-Frankfurt), Charlotte Praetorius (University of Hildesheim), Esther Ruelfs (MGK Hamburg) and Alexander Streitberger (Université de Louvain, BE).
Moderation: Stefanie Diekmann (University of Hildesheim)
Saturday 22nd May 1 – 5 pm
Short lectures and talks with all five Artist Meets Archive artists, followed by a panel discussion (English), live via
Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh (Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Köln), Philipp Goldbach (Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln), Anna Orłowska (German Dance Archive Cologne), Rosângela Rennó (Foundation Rheinisch Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv zu Köln), Joan Fontcuberta (German Aerospace Center).
Moderation of the lectures and the panel discussion: Stefanie Diekmann and Alexander Streitberger
The symposium "Artist Meets Archive – Theory and Practice of the Archive" will take place as part of Photoszene United and was conceived in connection with the exhibition series "Artist Meets Archive". On two days, it will present a range of artistic and theoretical positions that have been developed with regard to the photographic archive, its structure, its function and its aesthetics. The contributions of the first day, coming from different disciplines of art and media studies as well as ethnology, will deal with different approaches ranging from local interventions to documentary films. The second day will assemble the invited artists of the 2020/2021 "Artist Meets Archive #2" programme, who will present their projects and provide insights into their year-long development process, during which they gained their very own view of the individual archives. The artist talks will conclude with a comparative panel discussion of the respective positions and interventions.
In general, it can be assumed that artistic approaches to the photographic archive should be regarded as forms of research in their own right, and that they often highlight aspects of a photo archive that would otherwise remain unnoticed or unconsidered. The special potential of these approaches to photographic archive holdings and the question which perspectives on the archive are brought into focus by artistic interventions are therefore at the centre of the contributions and discussions.
Friday 21st May 2021 2 - 6 pm
The academic lectures and moderated discussions will be in German.2 pm
Stefanie Diekmann (University of Hildesheim)
Introduction and Welcome
2:10-2:50 pm
Esther Ruelfs (MKG Hamburg)
"Fotografie neu ordnen" (Rearranging Photography)
2:50-3:30 pm
Lena Holbein (Goethe-University-Frankfurt)
"Künstlerische Aktivierungen von Archivfotografien – Vom losen Zugriff bis zur Einladung durch Institutionen"
(Artistic Activations of Archival Photographs – From Casual Interventions to Institutional Cooperations)
3:30-4.10 pm
Alexa Färber & Işıl Karataş (University of Vienna)
"Installative Archive: Zum Potenzial temporärer Praktiken der Veröffentlichung"
(Installational Archives: On the Potential of Temporary Practices of Publication)
4:10-4:30 pm Break
4:30-5:10 pm
Charlotte Praetorius (University of Hildesheim)
"Chronologie der Unstimmigkeit – Zu Radu Judes Die tote Nation"
(Chronology of Incongruity – On Radu Jude's The Dead Nation)
5:10-5:50 pm
Alexander Streitberger (UC Louvain)
"Die Wirklichkeit aus den Angeln heben: Bildarchiv und Scheindokument im Werk Eric Baudelaires"
(Unhinging Reality: Image Archive and Pseudo-Document in the Work of Eric Baudelaire)
5:50-6:00 pm
Stefanie Diekmann
Conclusion and Farewell
Moderation Chat: Inga Schneider (programme manager Artist Meets Archive)
Saturday 22nd May 1 – 5 pm
The lectures and artist talks will be in English.1 pm
Heide Häusler (Internationale Photoszene Köln) and Caroline Bräuer (Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum)
Indroduction and welcome
1:10-1:40 pm
Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh
AMA: Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum
1:40-2:10 pm
Philipp Goldbach
AMA: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln
2:10- 2:20 pm Break
2:20-2.50 pm
Anna Orłowska
AMA: German Dance Archive Cologne
2:50-3:20 pm
Joan Fontcuberta
AMA: German Aerospace Center
3:20-3:50 pm
Rosângela Rennó
AMA: Foundation Rheinisch Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv zu Köln
3:50-4:00 pm Break
4:00-4:50 pm
Panel discussion with all Artist Meets Archive artists
Moderation: Stefanie Diekmann (University of Hildesheim) and Alexander Streitberger (UC Louvain)
4:50-5:00 pm
Inga Schneider (programme manager Artist Meets Archive)
Conclusion and Farewell
Moderation Chat: Caroline Bräuer (advisor at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum)