KickOff 21. May 2021
Short videos presenting the exhibition installations of the 5 AMA artists and greetings from the archive directors will be available online from 21 May.7 pm Digital Opening Artist Meets Archive#2
Photography expert Simone Klein will moderate a dynamic panel discussion with all 5 artists of the project on Zoom, which, similar to a real vernissage, will focus on the social encounter, but also on the works of each artist.The conversation will open with a visual insight into the 5 participating archives.
The conversation will be held in English. For active guests who want to join the conversation, participation is possible on Zoom, all visitors are also invited to follow the conversation on
21. & 22. May 2021
Online-Symposium Artist Meets Archive: Theorie und Praxis des Archivs
Friday, 21. May, 2 - 6 pm
Academic lectures and moderated discussions with invited speakers (German), live via Färber and Işıl Karataş (University of Vienna, AT), Lena Holbein (Goethe-University-Frankfurt), Charlotte Praetorius (University of Hildesheim), Esther Ruelfs (MGK Hamburg) and Alexander Streitberger (Université de Louvain, BE).
Moderation: Stefanie Diekmann (University of Hildesheim)
Saturday, 22. May, 1 - 5 pm
Short lectures and talks with all five Artist Meets Archive artists, followed by a panel discussion (English), live via Eid-Sabbagh (Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Köln), Philipp Goldbach (Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln), Anna Orłowska (German Dance Archive Cologne), Rosângela Rennó (Foundation Rheinisch Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv zu Köln), Joan Fontcuberta (German Aerospace Center).
Moderation of the lectures and the panel discussion: Stefanie Diekmann and Alexander Streitberger
Click here for more information about the symposium.
26. May 2021, 20 Uhr
Artist Talk with our 5 AMA-Artists
Online-Meeting in our Photoszene Bar with the international visitors of the NRW Kultursekretariat & our 5 AMA-Artists .June until August 2021
Insights into the exhibitions and direct talks with the artists are to be made possible online at the Walk&Talk events: Inga Schneider will guide visitors through the exhibition either alone or with the artists or the archive directors.
Live on Zoom or in presence, if possible.
Walk & Talk starts on 3 June 2021 with a visit to Philipp Goldbach. Live from the chapel at the Gereonskloster Cologne.