Award Winner


© jiwon Kim

Award winner: JIWON KIM - Category digital showroom in cooperation with the International Photoscene Cologne.

Jiwon Kim will present her works as a takeover of the Photoszene Instagram channel during June 21-25, 2021.

Jiwon Kim lives and works in Berlin. She graduated as a master student in liberal arts at Braunschweig
University of Fine Arts and Seoul National University, Korea. In 2017, she received the Wüstenrot Foundation’s
Grant Award for Documentary Photography.
Her work in photography, video, and installation has been exhibited
internationally, including at the Museum Folkwang, Essen, Museum
für Photographie, Braunschweig, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin,
Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, Kunsthalle Charlottenborg. In Feldfünf,
Berlin (DE) and the CR Collective, Seoul (KR) Jiwon Kim’s works
were shown in solo exhibitions.

Jiwon Kim’s artistic works include photography, video installation, and
text, and explore the rhetoric of positioning. Using recordings, photographs,
and texts from archival sources as well as her own personal
collection of materials, the artist explores the possibilities, experience
and knowledge through verbal and visual implication.
Paradise is often a different place in the imagination than the one we
encounter after long yearning. For “Paradise Complex” (2018-2019),
Jiwon Kim traveled to Costa Rica, a country that had been described
to her as “the most beautiful in the world.” In a reality check, the supposed
paradise turns out to be far less idyllic; rather, it seems to be the
artifacts of such a trip that retroactively maintain the idealized image. This series of works will be presented
by Jiewon Kim on the Instagram channel of the Internationale Photoszene during June 21-25.