Braucht der Klimawandel neue Bilder?

© Benedikt Partenheimer _ Methane Experiment

© MonicaAlcazar-Duarte_DOMESTIC RABBIT

© Solmaz Doryani_LAKEURMIA_2021_036

© Tim Wagner

Does climate change need new pictures? From 22-30 May, as part of City Leaks Urban Arts Festival, Photoszene United will be projecting a presentation of photographic works by Solmaz Daryani, Monica Alcazar-Duarte, Benedikt Partenheimer and Tim Wagner onto a railway arch in Hüttenstraße. In 2021, more than ever, the question arises of what remains to be said and done in order to make people aware of the advancing climate change and to provoke action.

Bahnbögen Hüttenstraße // CityLeaks
50823 Köln

Solmaz Daryani, Monica Alcazar - Duarte, Benedikt Partenheimer, Tim Wagner

21.05. – 30.05.2021

Public Space

now closed

Artist Lecture Solmaz Doryani and Monica Alcazar - Duarte

07.00 – 08.00

Artist Lecture Benedikt Partenheimer and Maria Teresa Salvati

07.00 – 08.00

Bahnbögen Hüttenstraße // CityLeaks